Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ambient Occlusion

I am back to share more 3D delicious goodness, Ambient Occlusion

A major client of mine has been kind to provide me with a rather large rendering farm to use in the off hours. Since there is never enough computer power available to me, I have been making trips into the city (using my unlimited ride metrocard) to Citigroup center for late night computational sessions. Now with access to over 40 Intel xeon processors, I can afford to add detail and rendering features that would be impossible to use if I only had my personal computer to work with.

So before I render any new animations in vivid jaw-dropping quality, I have chosen to revisit the robot and apply some ambient occlusion to the rendering…

Turned out much better as the AO makes all the modeling detail I put into the original mesh stand out.


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